Monday, June 5, 2017

The Catfish Thing is Not a Good Look, Nashville

So, I have been paying a bit of attention to the Stanley Cup proceedings as I live in Pittsburgh. As is somewhat typical for me, I have found something besides the actual sport to think about. In this case, it is the Predators' fans' tendency to throw catfish on the ice. And my opinion is that it is a pretty pathetic and disgusting tradition. I honestly have no idea why the players haven't told them, "you know, this is stupid and it messes up the ice. Please don't."

So, for those that don't know this history of the catfish thing, it actually starts with another team, the Detroit Redwings, and The Legend of the Octopus. While I do find this tradition pretty stupid as well, at least it has some kind of story and history. The catfish, on the other hand, is--completely admittedly--simply something Predators' fans do because they are wannabe Redwings fans. How do they not realize that that is kind of pathetic?

Furthermore, this stuff leaves residue on the ice. And you can see it from wide angle shots. If covering your ice rink with fish guts is really how you want the world to see your city, well, I guess you are doing it right.

Finally, I just have to say to anyone who has snuck a catfish into an arena: You know the moment when you are saran wrapping a fish into your compression shorts? That is probably a good time to rethink your life a little bit.

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